Saturday 27 November 2010

How to get backlinks quickly

Backlink is one very important thing in SEO. Here, I want to share with you the tips how to get backlinks quickly.
1. Using ‘Scraping’ to promote links.
This is more for bloggers than Hubpagers, but one thing I’ve found is that quite a few of my blog entries have been copied in their entirety (or scraped) – so rather than try and stop people from doing this and spending hours or days trying to force them to delete the content, I have found that if I can insert some links to my other pages, then I will at least get a benefit out of this copied content.
The one way to do this is to use a plugin designed by Yoast – it’s an RSS Footer plugin for wordpress – essentially install the plugin and add some links using this tool to your hubpages, blogs etc. Thus when someone ‘scrapes’ your content at least you’ll have some backlinks.
2. Join Forum / directory signature
Quite often I will be active in forums and directories even when I am not trying to promote a website – for example, today I did a lot of research trying to find out how to finish an installation of Windows 7 after encountering a ‘restart loop’ – I visited probably 50 websites and left relevant comments on each of them – where possible I include a link to a relevant site of mine. I do note that each of the links I place were relevant to the discussion – simply putting a link to XBOX Games in a Windows 7 forum isn’t going to get you much traffic and in many cases may well get you banned from the forum.
It is very important that you are an active member of the forums you post in - simply adding comments just to get backlinks is not acceptable and can often get a backlash to your site and indeed to Hubpages. The same goes for directories - simply spamming every directory with every hub is an overkill and probably will not help in SEO - the best thing to do is select some very good directories and then only post relevant and quality sites to these directories.
3. Facebook
This is my newest place to post links – I have joined quite a few groups on Facebook that interest me. I visit these groups and participate – occasionally someone will ask a question about something I have already written a web page and I’ll provide a link to my content – as I am known in the group and constantly participate in the group then I do get quite a lot of traffic this way. It’s part of my normal day routine to visit these groups so I’m not spending that much additional time getting back-links.
As I mentioned above, it is important that you don't overdo this and don't simply post every hub to every group you can find. Become an active member on some groups and then only post quality hubs that are relevant to the group or the discussion.
3. Digg
The use of sites like Digg, reddit and other bookmarking sites is often a good way to get people to visit your site and also creates an instant backlink - it is important that you are active on these sites otherwise your sites tend to get boycotted pretty quickly. Try and post your most unique sites on these bookmaring sites - if you can catch someone's eye with your site then you soon can find it becoming extremely popular.
Yet again it's important that you simply don't post your hub to these sites, but concentrate on being an active member on the site and posting hubs that are quality hubs and are actually going to be useful for others to read - simply posting a hub selling dongles isn't likely to get the Digg community excited.
4. Circle of Sites
When I design a site I actually create 1 main article and then several introduction articles. I post my main article on Hubpages and then spread the other articles over sites like Blogger, Shetoldme, Xomba, Redgage etc. Thus I am creating some quick backlinks before I even start to promote my site. I also find that as I begin to get followers on these other sites I do seem to be getting increased traffic on them.

Thursday 18 November 2010

Make Your Winamp Transparent and Blinked to The Rhythm of The Songs

For you who like to play the songs in winamp, you can use this way to make your winamp become more attractive.
In this way, your winamp will look transparent and blinked to the rhythm of the songs.
Follow these steps :

Tuesday 16 November 2010

Security Software for Internet Connections

Right now we really need the software to prevent virus attacks on our computer, especially if the computer is connected to the Internet. Various kinds of viruses and other malware threatening the security of our computer.

But you do not have to worry about it, the Internet also provides a variety of security software. We can choose from a free software to premium.
Some free internet security software might not have a good enough signature profile to discover an intruding infection and this is why it's always best to use more than one because the other one might remove it. With this in mind, I would personally recommend all Pc users have one virus and one spyware removal application on their system for top protection.
Another really useful and critical protection component which should be part of your operating system is a firewall. This powerful feature is designed to reliably block dangerous or unauthorized hackers or web users from trying to hack into a system. usually, windows will come with this feature as part of its package but you might need to install a service pack update or even obtain a firewall software package from an internet security software provider on the web.

Deciding on which computer protection applications to use can most often provide difficulty because there are large numbers available on the market. I personally encourage people to read reviews from top software download directories and one should also visit the security company website of the product to get a better understanding of what their product offers, its compatibilities and other specifications.

Most antivirus or malware removal tools you purchase online have standard features and its important to lookout for ones that are critical to the successful protection of your PC. Update features are always important and if you want to fight against new infections you are going to have this. In fact, is the software on offer has no update facility it can almost be rendered useless because it will never be able to detect new virus definitions.

One should always run a full scan as opposed to a quick scan and this is simply because full scans will check your entire system and will not leave out any data which is mostly the case with the quick scanning option.

Wednesday 3 November 2010

Protect Your PC with New Deep Freeze Software

Deep Freeze is a very good computer security applications. With deepfreeze, PC or laptop computer will be safer from virus attacks.This application can restore all the settings that exist in the driver installed. We recommend you install this software deepfreeze on OS system only.
By enabling deepfreeze, all actions such as install software on your computer, copy files, paste, delete, etc. will be restored after the computer is restarted.
If you want to install software or make changes to the drive that you install deep freeze, you must disable or uninstall this software. 

Sunday 31 October 2010

Increase Your Range With Singing Software

There are many aspiring singers looking for a how to sing software program that will help them learn the essentials. Well there are a couple of aspects to a singing program, which makes them useful.
First, a singing program that you can use at home is going to cost much less than a private singing teacher. A private singing teacher can cost you hundreds or thousands of dollars down the line by the time you stop lessons and become proficient to continue on your own.

New Alleysoft AutoRun Design Specialty v8.0

Software maker autorun with the name "Autorun Design Specialty v8.0.3.1" quite nice and simple to use, good design and unique Autorun can be made easily and quickly with this software.

AutoRun Design Specialty is a more powerful visual tool to create professional autorun (autoplay) interfaces and presentations for your CD/DVDs. It is the easiest way to create, edit professional autorun (autoplay) interface and generate autorun files for CD/DVDs in a WYSIWYG environment, just click, point, place and test (preview). So all is visual, fast, simple. AutoRun Design Specialty is easy to learn, with demos and wizards you can get started in just minutes! Main Page, Splash Screen, Screen Background, Agreement Form, Security Form, Exit Form and unlimited Sub Pages. Page Shadow, Page FadeIn and FadeOut, and many effects.

19 Objects: Button, ImageButton, Image, Bevel, Label, ALabel,ALinkLabel, Text, ScrollText, Memo, RichText, Flash, Browser, AVI, MediaPlayer, SlideShow, Edit, RadioButton and CheckBox. Page Template and Object Template make it more easy.

WavePad® Audio Editing Software

This is professional sound editing software for PC & Mac. This software has a complete features, such as :
* Sound editing functions include cut, copy, paste, delete, insert, silence, autotrim and more;
* Audio effects include, amplify, normalize, equaliser, envelope, reverb, echo, reverse and many more;
* Integrated VST plugin support gives professionals access to thousands of additional tools and effects;

Free Music Notation Software

With this software you can compose your own musical scores as professionals. As you write the notes will create the corresponding MIDI audio file (which you can listen whenever you want to see how they will be) available in addition to other functions to make it more convenient and effective transcription to score as well as the composition, printing paper and publishing.

Download Free Sound Software Spectrograph 1.0

Sound Software Spectrograph 1.0 is a small utility that displays a frequency/amplitude graph of sound in real-time from the microphone or line-in.
This software has features such as smooth scrolling display, selectable brightness, maximum frequency, scroll speed, resolution and palette color scheme. Sampling from 8 kHz to 44.1 kHz.
Requires: Windows 95/98, Full-duplex sound card & Microsoft DirectX 6.1 or higher.